In an arranged marriage, the choice of the marriage partner is not left up to the people who are marrying. Instead, the marriage is arranged by the parents of the couple. In some cases, the marriage may be arranged based on recommendations of friends or family.
For those who have had trouble finding a spouse on their own, arranged marriage can be most convenient. Sometimes the parents of a couple will consider the couple's wishes before making or accepting a proposal but this is not always the case.
Informal arranging of marriages is the norm in modern times. Generally, parents will send information about their child to a marriage bureau, or in response to a matrimonial advertisement. The information sent will generally include a photo, information on educational and family background, and lists of hobbies and interests.
Once a tentative matching up is made, a meeting is arranged between the couple. In most cases, they are also permitted to court. In several countries in Asia, arranged marriage is very common. In the United States, also, there are certain cultures who frequently rely on this form of matchmaking.
The Internet is a new way that is used to arrange a marriage. It makes the process quicker and easier in many ways. The online profile of materials and information that is compiled is then submitted onto matrimonial websites, in order to find the best match. People who are matched can then contact each other via email or telephone to get to know each other.
Arranged marriage, with its emphasis on compatibility in religious, educational, and financial backgrounds, is most convenient. It's also often pleasing to the parents, since they have approved or even decided on the choice of partner.
In some cases, parents will arrange a marriage for business reasons. When a parent engineers a match for a child in order to grow or expand the family business, this is less convenient and compatible. These marriages may fail, being need based and not based in companionship. Often, people who agree to this option only do so because they feel they have no other options or they have previously failed in love.
Comparatively speaking, the divorce rate in arranged marriages is quite low. There are plenty of cases where a couple that started out in an arranged marriage ended up falling madly in love with one another, also.